These are the rought draft lyrics to another song composed for Vikarbyrgi. The main idea is pretty evident, I think. It is to understand that God has us where we are for a reason, and that if we are faithful and put our trust in His plans, we'll do more that we would ever have thought.
His heart was true.
He wished for more than his five (talents)
In order to return more for his Master.
So he toiled and sweated and bled
His heart was true.
He wished for more than his five (talents)
In order to return more for his Master.
So he toiled and sweated and bled
Until he was unrecognizable;
Yet he could no add a second to the day
Nor an inch to his height.
At last his knees gave way,
And he fell on his face before his Master.
"Why is it so futile for me to try
To acquire more to give to You?"
In the silence came the reply:
"Had you any more,
You would not be where I want you to be.
There is still much to do here.
Be content to do as much as you can
With what you have,
And I will be just as pleased.
I see the purity of your heart,
But do not give the devil a foothold in this."
Yet he could no add a second to the day
Nor an inch to his height.
At last his knees gave way,
And he fell on his face before his Master.
"Why is it so futile for me to try
To acquire more to give to You?"
In the silence came the reply:
"Had you any more,
You would not be where I want you to be.
There is still much to do here.
Be content to do as much as you can
With what you have,
And I will be just as pleased.
I see the purity of your heart,
But do not give the devil a foothold in this."
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