Friday, February 4, 2011

A collection of thoughts on austerity measures for our federal government

These are ideas I've seen around the blogosphere that I like which will reduce our potential future national debt (and maybe even reduce the debt we already have!).

Eliminate the follow departments/administrations...
Department of Education (the evidence for its complete failure to maintain quality of education is incredible)

Reduce the size/authority of
Department of Agriculture
MMS (or whatever it is called now)

End agricultural subsidies, "green energy" subsidies, and cut foreign aid in half.
Repeal "Obamacare" and the recent omnibus financial regulatory law.
Simplify the tax code, reducing the need for IRS agents.
End the "War on Drugs," and legalise marijuana, if not other drugs as well.
Adjust the age of eligibility for Social Security to account for increased life expectancy.
Close our foreign military bases, or require that all expenses incurred in transporting troops and maintaining the operations of those bases be covered by the country the base is in.

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