Saturday, April 25, 2009

Prose: "A Girlfriend or Something"

So maybe a few of you will be able to relate to at least part of this. Enjoy.

Really loud noise what is that oh yeah my alarm get up find my phone 5:15 am hit snooze fall back in bed the fan has been going all night oh well another weird dream but not as weird as the first 5:25 turn off the alarm why is all this crap
________on my floor
_____turn on the light
____________open my laptop

make a bowl of cereal while_______ it _______ gets
out _______ of ________ hibernate _______ mode.
I hate getting up this early man the desk is a mess too and I'm starting to wonder if there exists somewhere a job someone likes and if there are such things as husbands and wives. This computer has been
running increasingly
____ o
______ w
lately maybe I oughta give it a spyware scan it's.
Been a while damnit I forgot to put a stamp on this bill for the envelope,
oh shut up you know what I mean,
and take it out to the mailbox again. Check my email,
drink the chocolate milk left over from the cereal, get up to grab Pop-Tarts hey look I forgot to take the bowl with me to the sink again. I think I need

a girlfriend
or something
today's Toothpaste for Dinner was hilarious but the Married to the Sea was lame usually it's the opposite, weird.
I oughta tell somebody about that dream last night.
____ you idiot
_______no one cares about weird dreams
__they don't even care about normal dreams
_____ and sometimes not even
____________________________ real
____________________ life
Like when I got attacked by that falcon defending its nest.
I didn't even see it coming it rammed
__________ the top
_______ of ______ my head
I thought someone threw something at me.
Haha that's funny but I'm pretty sure we don't have falcons around here.
Don't question me I know it was a damn falcon.
Ok, sure, hey Chris are you going to Bash's tonight?

Man, I've been lying on my back staring at the ceiling for a while now. The microwave says it's 6:02 so it's really 6:04.
Get up put jeans on pull the belt from the other pair feed it through the new one.
Find my work shirt, tuck it in, put deodorant on, brush my teeth.
The beard is coming back well enough.
Put socks and shoes on and make sure my backpack has everything because I have class right after work.
Turn off the lights, close the computer, shut the door, and lock it.
Head downstairs.
Turn around and run back up because somehow, this time, I remembered that I need to take that bill to the mailbox.

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