Monday, June 15, 2009

A Better Half

As you probably guessed from the title, I now have a girlfriend. It's been slightly over a month now, and it's been one of the best months of my life. We have so far been perfect for each other. We make one another want to do greater things, be a greater person.

The great thing about these things is that they are nothing like what you anticipated. There is so much to experience that one does not enough realise was out there. Now I see what is so special about it.

Of course, now, moving to Ohio from Texas, we are having to do the "long-distance" thing, one month and one day after entering our relationship. It's going to be a challenge. Now's the time when we must truly rely on God, more than ever.


  1. I am happy to read that things have been going well. I wish you the best as you try a long distance relationship. :)

  2. Way to go on publishing it too soon... now I'm that much more curious... ;)

  3. Oh yeah... and she must be one lucky girl... :D
