Monday, June 22, 2009

Vikarbyrgi Progress and the Heart Growing Fonder...

This last week Ethan and I were able to take another step toward recording and publishing Vikarbyrgi's music. We recorded a demo version of the song called "An End To Duality." From it we were able to figure out what elements of the sound and process we needed to fix. It was a fun few days, and not without laughs, particularly because of our setup. For example, the bass drum microphone was set on top of a dinosaur puzzle box, which was then placed on top of an old egg carton. Another microphone was taped and hanging from the ceiling. All recording was done, of course, using a laptop and smalll interface (which we were able to purchase, thanks to Ethan's friend Alex, for 1/3 of the regular price).

We feel that we are now ready to begin recording the album. After the demo track was finally mixed, we were in the car and noticed that on other black metal records, the drum sounds were not always perfect either: sometimes the bass and snare were very hard to hear, which is the case with ours. Hopefully, though, this issue is resolved. Ethan will now be recording drum and keyboard tracks until I am able to return to Fort Wayne. Our greatest hope in all of this, of course, is that God would be glorified through our efforts.

Now on to my other recent is indeed true, absence is making my heart grow indeed fonder of Haley's presence. Though I don't know that would have, were we not separated for this time, I know that because of this prolonged absence I will never take her presence for granted. When I see her, it feels like a great weight is lifted from my chest. I have 4 days from today until I get to see her. After that, the times apart will continue to increase. I suppose I shall be that much happier to see her each time.

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